Find yourself again
Chiropractic, Cold Laser Therapy or Massage can help you feel like yourself again.
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Regular chiropractic, massage and cold laser therapy can help you regain mobility, reduce pain, and improve the quality of your life and stave off age related conditions.
Our furry friends need just as much TLC as our two legged ones. Many of the treatments used on humans are beneficial for our animal friends. We offer small animal (i.e. dogs, cats, guinea pigs) chiropractic, canine massage, and cold laser therapy for your four-legged family members as well.
Shining Waters Chiropractic specialized in horse chiropractic. Carrying so much weight both on their own and with riders can literally be a pain in the neck, not to mention other parts of the body.
Chiropractic adjustments are quick, gentle, specific, and low-force maneuvers that restore motion, reduce muscle spasm, decrease pain, and improve nerve function.
Massage can be used as a treatment for a specific problem, or as a ‘maintenance’ measure to help counteract the effects our daily life has on our bodies
Cold Laser Therapy
CLT systems tend to be commonly used for treatments associated with: acute, subacute, and chronic joint pain, tendon strains, muscle strains, soft tissue injuries, tendonitis, arthritis, tennis elbow syndrome, spinal strains, bursitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome, to name a few.